The Coins of Ariarathes III

Ariarathes, King of Cappadocia (255 - 220 BC)
-- in total 3 type/s and 4 variation/s catalogued

Group variations by

AE [ 2 variations catalogued ]
Obverse: Helmeted head of Ariarathes III facing right.
Reverse: APIAPA (Around).
Horseman galloping right holding spear

Example: CNG Web 422, 268
Mint: Unknown
References: B Simonetta 2a-b.


 Mint: Unknown
References: B Simonetta 2c.


AE [ 1 variation catalogued ]
Obverse: Helmeted head of Ariarathes III facing right.
Reverse: API (Across top).
Horse galloping right
 Mint: Unknown
References: B Simonetta 3.


AE [ 1 variation catalogued ]
Obverse: Helmeted head of Ariarathes III facing right.
Reverse: BAΣIΛEΩΣ APIAPAΘOV (Down right, down left).
Upper body of facing goddess, wearing polos, holding flower in right hand, between two seated sphinxes

Example: CNG 85, lot 475
Mint: Unknown
References: B Simonetta 5.