The Coins of Ariobarzanes III

Ariobarzanes Eusebes Philoromaios, King of Cappadocia (52 - 42 BC)
-- in total 1 type/s and 10 variation/s catalogued

Group variations by

AR - Drachm [ 10 variations catalogued ]
Obverse: Diademed head of Ariobarzanes III facing right.
Reverse: BAΣIΛEΩΣ APIOBAPZANOV EVΣEBOVΣ KAI ΦIΛOPΩMAIOV (Across top, down right, down left, across bottom).
Athena standing left, holding shield ornamented with gorgoneion and spear in left hand, right hand supporting figure of Nike right who is holding wreath
 Mint: Unknown
References: B Simonetta 5.




 Mint: Unknown
References: A Simonetta 1, B Simonetta 2a.
Year: 9 (44/43 BC)



Example: CNG Web 122, 54
Mint: Unknown
References: A Simonetta 2, B Simonetta 1b.
Year: 9 (44/43 BC)




 Mint: Unknown
References: A Simonetta 2, B Simonetta 1a.
Year: 9 (44/43 BC)




 Mint: Unknown
References: A Simonetta 6a, B Simonetta 4a.
Year: 11 (42/41 BC)



Example: CNG Web 90, 7
Mint: Unknown
References: B Simonetta 3a.
Year: 11 (42/41 BC)




 Mint: Unknown
References: B Simonetta 3b.
Year: 11 (42/41 BC)




Example: CNG Web 200, 68
Mint: Unknown
References: A Simonetta 4, B Simonetta 3c.
Year: 11 (42/41 BC)




Example: Roma Numismatics, E-Sale 66, 558
Mint: Unknown
References: A Simonetta 4, B Simonetta 3d.
Year: 11 (42/41 BC)




Example: CNG Web 150, 149
Mint: Unknown
References: A Simonetta 6b, B Simonetta 4b.
Year: 11 (42/41 BC)